Assignment 3 – POSTER (20%)
Based on the symbol and the illustration, you are now required to design a poster to provide overall awareness on the area of your choice. The poster is to give an overall picture of the happenings and the effects of the area of choice. The poster MUST send a POSITIVE MESSAGE!
The poster must be original and based on the research and assignments in the area of choice.
Students are to incorporate the design principles that were learnt in MDP class.
(1) Based on the facts found in this research on what, why and how global warming is affecting our environment, students are to come up with a statement and brief description on the area of your choice in the context of global warming.
An example could be – “Save our polar ice caps”. Based on this statement, illustrate a poster depicting that.
(2) Then, create a poster to provide visualisation on this based on the statement and description. This is to provide awareness on the area of choice. Statement should be a positive statement.
(3) The size of the image should be A3 size.
(4) The initial designs should be drawn on paper and later incorporate into the Illustrator software.
(5) You are to use the tools in Illustrator like the pen tool, basic colours, gradient colours, shapes to draw and all the tools that were taught to you this semester. You should also explore other tools & techniques available in Illustrator on your own and incorporate them into your design.
(6) The final outcome of the poster should be printed out and mounted onto a mounting board together with your statement and design brief explaining the statement. Use an appropriate mounting board (one side should contain the final output, while the other must contain the statement, brief and your name, ID and group)
(7) Class rules apply.
Criteria for marking for the poster:
(1) Creative and imaginative idea on your area in relation to global warming
(2) The concept itself and the proof of concept which are the sketches, references and research.
(3) Use of the tools - the proper and creative use of the tools
(4) Design of the poster and the awareness your are creating based on the statement and area of choice.
(5) Write-up and documentation must be in proper English.
(6) Detail description of the process.
(7) Quality of the printing and display.
Documentation – Blog (10%)
Students are to document the process of creating this poster using their blog as documentation. Please include the following:
(1) Include the RESEARCH you have done on the area of choice (add the web links)
(2) Include the idea behind the poster containing the statement, the brief and how does your idea visualise both the statement and the brief.
(3) Include designs, sketches, references or images that you use to create your posters
(4) Tools used. You are to EXPLAIN the tools that you used and learnt from the tutorials and EXPLORED. The description should include what tools were used, what was the setting used, why and how it was used in your poster. Be detailed on this and include screen shots.
- Date of Submission: Week 12 in tutorials to tutorial Group Leader.
- Be as detailed as possible as this is the documentation on the process of developing your poster.
- All class submission guidelines must be followed. Not following these requirements will mean a reduction in your marks in this exercise.
- Any copying or similar images may result in the students getting an automatic "0" mark.
Criteria for marking for the blog documentation:
(1) Write-up and documentation must be in proper English.
(2) Detail description of the process.
(3) Any requirements that were not followed will result in lost of marks.