Friday, September 5, 2008


This poster is based on my past assignments which is focused on the area of ice caps melting in the Arctic. Its time we realize that we have to make changes before it’s too late. Global warming is not something new to us. The rising temperature of Earth is causing the extinction of animals, sea levels to raise, forest being wiped out and ice caps in the Arctic to melt.

I created this poster to spark awareness on the observer's eye what is happening to the ice caps due to human activities that causes global warming. My poster also shows
how peaceful and beautiful ice caps in the Artic are but due to high temperature caused by Global warming, we might not have ice caps anymore in the future.

Mainly, I am trying to create an awareness that its about time we stop Global warming together to make sure in the future ice caps are not extinct due to melting of high temperatures.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Steps to create my poster

These are the steps for illustrator.

Step 1: First i created a rectangle box for my ocean. I then used the gradient tool to create a mixture of blue colors for the ocean.

Step 2: Next i created another rectangle for my sky. This time i also used the gradient tool to color the skies.

Step 3: For the iceberg, i used the pen tool to draw it. Next i colored it white.

Step 4: Next i used the wrinkle tool to create a melting effect on the ice berg.

Step 5: Now i created smaller melting ice caps with the pen tool and give it a white color.

Step 6: Again, i used the wrinkle tool to create the melting effects on the smaller icecaps.

Step 7: For the sun, i used the flare tool with the setting as above.

Step 8: Next, i used the ellipse tool to create the clouds. First i made a couple of ellipse shapes and place them close to each other. Then i used the path finder tool to join them together.

Step 9: Next i used the warp tool to give it a bubble effects on the clouds.

Step 10: Then i used the text tool to add my poster statement. I used the gradient tool to give the text some color.

Step 11: Next i used the knife tool to slice the iceberg so that i have a split section for the shadow on the ice berg.

Step 12: Then i added a light blue color for the shadow on the iceberg.

Step 13: Finally, I added an awareness statement for my final touch.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Assignment 3 Title : Why are the ice bergs melting?
Message : Do your part and stop global warming!
Project Start Date : August 25, 2008
Projected Finish Date : September 2, 2008
Project Manager : Muhammad Adib bin Abu Bakar
HP : 019-26978**
Email : adibi57[at]

Project Objectives:

To let people realize and understand the importance of , and this is a good way for prevent global warming.


• Following the area i chose for my past assignments, which is melting ice caps, i came up with 'Why are the ice bergs melting?' as my title.

• I’m going to illustrate a negative image of what is happening to ice caps due to global warming.

• The setting of my poster is a scene of ice caps melting. I'll draw a big iceberg in the center followed by smaller melted icecaps around it.

• I will use be using various tools to illustrate the ice bergs such as the pen tool, pencil tool, shape tool, gradient tool and the flare tool.

Roles and Responsibilities:

• Week10 - I have done my sketch for the poster and I will upload soon with the reference poster.

• Week 11 - According to my plan and draft, the look of my poster will look like my assignment 2, but I’ll edit the position of element and add on font and logo on it. I wish to finish it up by this weekend (6th or 7th of September).

• Week 12 - On 8th of September I’ll print out my poster and finish up my assignment 3. I hope I can finish it on time and according to my plan.


Hope that what I did is correct and accord to the topic and I wish I can get more marks in assignment 3, because my last 2 assignment’s result was not as good as I want.
Heaven bless.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is my sketch.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ideas, ideas, ideas...

Ok, so for my ideas, i googled a couple of posters for examples on how my layout of my poster would be. I then searched pictures to spark an idea what i would draw for my poster. Heres what i found from uncle Google.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Assignment 3 - Poster

Assignment 3 – POSTER (20%)

Based on the symbol and the illustration, you are now required to design a poster to provide overall awareness on the area of your choice. The poster is to give an overall picture of the happenings and the effects of the area of choice. The poster MUST send a POSITIVE MESSAGE!

The poster must be original and based on the research and assignments in the area of choice.

Students are to incorporate the design principles that were learnt in MDP class.


(1) Based on the facts found in this research on what, why and how global warming is affecting our environment, students are to come up with a statement and brief description on the area of your choice in the context of global warming.

An example could be – “Save our polar ice caps”. Based on this statement, illustrate a poster depicting that.

(2) Then, create a poster to provide visualisation on this based on the statement and description. This is to provide awareness on the area of choice. Statement should be a positive statement.

(3) The size of the image should be A3 size.

(4) The initial designs should be drawn on paper and later incorporate into the Illustrator software.

(5) You are to use the tools in Illustrator like the pen tool, basic colours, gradient colours, shapes to draw and all the tools that were taught to you this semester. You should also explore other tools & techniques available in Illustrator on your own and incorporate them into your design.

(6) The final outcome of the poster should be printed out and mounted onto a mounting board together with your statement and design brief explaining the statement. Use an appropriate mounting board (one side should contain the final output, while the other must contain the statement, brief and your name, ID and group)

(7) Class rules apply.

Criteria for marking for the poster:

(1) Creative and imaginative idea on your area in relation to global warming
The concept itself and the proof of concept which are the sketches, references and research.
(3) Use of the tools - the proper and creative use of the tools
(4) Design of the poster and the awareness your are creating based on the statement and area of choice.
(5) Write-up and documentation must be in proper English.
Detail description of the process.
(7) Quality of the printing and display.

Documentation – Blog (10%)

Students are to document the process of creating this poster using their blog as documentation. Please include the following:

(1) Include the RESEARCH you have done on the area of choice (add the web links)

(2) Include the idea behind the poster containing the statement, the brief and how does your idea visualise both the statement and the brief.

(3) Include designs, sketches, references or images that you use to create your posters

(4) Tools used. You are to EXPLAIN the tools that you used and learnt from the tutorials and EXPLORED. The description should include what tools were used, what was the setting used, why and how it was used in your poster. Be detailed on this and include screen shots.


  1. Date of Submission: Week 12 in tutorials to tutorial Group Leader.
  2. Be as detailed as possible as this is the documentation on the process of developing your poster.
  3. All class submission guidelines must be followed. Not following these requirements will mean a reduction in your marks in this exercise.
  4. Any copying or similar images may result in the students getting an automatic "0" mark.

Criteria for marking for the blog documentation:
(1) Write-up and documentation must be in proper English.
Detail description of the process.
(3) Any requirements that were not followed will result in lost of marks.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


This illustration is based on my first assignment which is focused on the area of ice caps in the Artic.

Its time we realize that we have to make changes before it’s too late. Global warming is not something new to us. The rising temperature of Earth is causing animals to extinct, sea levels to raise, forest being wiped out and ice caps in the Arctic to melt.

I created this illustration to show how peaceful and beautiful ice caps in the Artic are. Due to high temperature caused by Global warming, we might not have ice caps anymore in the future.

Mainly, I am trying to illustrate that its about time we stop Global warming together to make sure in the future ice caps are not extinct from melting due to high temperatures

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Steps to creating my illustration

These are the steps that i took to creating this illustration.

Step1: First i drew the outlines on my ice bergs using the pen tool.

Step2: Next i used the gradient tool to color the ice bergs.

Step3: I then created to rectangles for the ocean and the sky. I used different gradient colors and styles for both of them.

Step4: Next i duplicated the shapes of the ice bergs and resized it accordingly to become the shadow for the ice bergs. I then used the gradient tool to color it.

Step5: Next i added some glaciers on top of the ice bergs so that it looked big.

Step6: Lastly, i created clouds using the pencil tool.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


These are my sketches for assignment 2. My illustration are created from these sketches.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ideation of assignment 2

Since i did a symbol on the area of ice caps melting for my first assignment, my illustration for assignment 2 has to be based on the same area for assignment 1. These photos that i have collected for Google Image show where my ideas for my illustration came from.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 – An Illustration of the Area (15%)

The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate the area of your choice. Based on the area you have selected, you are to create an illustration of the area.
For example:
If the area you chose was deforestation, you are to illustrate / draw a tree or trees in Illustrator.
If the area you chose was melting of the ice caps, you are to illustrate / draw the ice cap or ice berg in Illustrator
If the area you chose was to save the polar bear, you are to illustrate /draw a polar bear or polar bears in Illustrator.
The purpose of doing so is to follow the area of choice that you previously did in your symbol. In other words, please follow the area you did in your symbol. The image / illustration that you create can be used as part of the poster that you will create in Assignment 3.


(1) Based on the research of the area of choice, ideation must first be drawn. In other words, you are to draw your idea on paper first prior doing it in Illustrator. The process of ideation to final output must be documented on a blog or web log that all students must create.

(2) Using the symbol that you design in assignment one, the illustration is based on the area of your choice. Therefore, the symbol MUST be placed within the illustration to “symbolize” the awareness of global warming. You can place them at one corner of the image (Bottom right-hand corner of the image.)

(3) Size of the illustration – A3

(4) Printout the illustration and mount it on an A3 mounting board.

(5) The other side of the mounting board must contain a write-up page. The write-up page must contain - the title of the illustration and the area of global warming of your choice.

(6) Include your name, ID and group at the back of the mounting board.
Documentation to be done on the BLOG (5%)
(1) Include the RESEARCH you have done on the area of choice (add the web links). (2) Include the idea of the illustration. You must include the references you used in the blog. (3) Include designs, sketches, references or images that you use to create your symbols, tools that you used and the final output. (4) Tools used. You are to EXPLAIN the tools that you used and learnt from the tutorials and EXPLORED.


(1) Students must submit the Illustrator file and title it Date of Submission: Week 9 in tutorials to tutorial Group Leader.
(2) The student name, ID and Group must also appear inside the document. Marks will be deducted if you do not enter your name, group and ID properly. Marks will also be deducted if there are no name, ID and group.
(3) All class submission guidelines must be followed. Not following these requirements will mean a reduction in your marks in this exercise.
(4) Any copying or similar illustration may result in the students getting an automatic "0" mark. NO PLAGERISM

Criteria for marking:

(1) The concept itself and the proof of concept which are the sketches, references and research.
(2) Use of the tools - the proper and creative use of the tools
(3) Design of the illustration and the story it tells.
(4) Write-up and documentation must be in proper English.
(5) Detail description of the process.
(6) Quality of the printing and display.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Assignment completed!

A symbol to show what we (humans) are doing to our beloved home, Earth. Its time we realize that we have to make changes before it’s too late. Global warming is not something new to us. The rising temperature of Earth is causing animals to extinct, sea levels to raise, forest being wiped out and ice caps in the Arctic to melt.

As my symbol for my computer graphics assignment, I chose a shape of an ice cap melting. This is to show that, we are causing this to happen. Ice caps in the
Arctic are melting due to humans doing.
I also placed large flames of fire to show that the rise of temperature due to Global warming.

For the colors, I made the ice cap to be in a mixed of red and white to show that the ice caps are melting because of the heat from Global warming. For the flame I colored it with a mixture of red and orange to represent how angry I feel. As for the melting part, I picked a mixture of blue and dark green to show that melting ice caps are causing sea levels to rise and seas being polluted.

Mainly, my symbol represents my feeling towards what is happening in the

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Steps of creating my symbol

The symbol i created was designed using Adobe Illustrator CS2.

Step 1: The ice cap was created using the pencil tool and the line segment tool.

Step 2: Next i created the melting part using the pencil tool.

Step 3: Flames were created using the arc tool.

Step 4: Next, i colored the shapes using the gradient tool

Step 5: A shadow effect of the flame was added by duplicating the original path of the flame. I filled the duplicated flame with white and set the opacity to 50%. I then resized the shape to make it 85% smaller so that it fitted inside the original flame.

Step 6: Next i added some white bubble shapes to the melting part to give a gel effect.
Step 7: Finally, i created an inner shape in white of the ice cap and set the opacity to 50%.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


These are my sketches. My idea for my symbols are based on these sketches.
A simple doodle i did in Paint.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Melting ice caps

The assignment is i have to create a symbol based on the theme of 'Global warming'.
So i chose something to do with melting polar ice caps. as my design for my symbol of awareness.
But why melting polar ice caps?? So you ask. Its because i like polar bears =)
And based on my research, polar bears are finding a hard time surviving.
Polar bears surfer from starvation due to habitat loss. They hunt seals from a platform of sea ice. The rising temperatures cause the sea ice to melt earlier in the year, driving the bears to shore before they have built sufficient fat reserves to survive the period of scarce food.
Besides that, global warming is the cause of rising sea levels. Rising temperatures of the Earth causes the ice caps in the Arctics to melt.

These are some references for my Symbol

Till next time.

Friday, July 4, 2008

A little something about global warming.

Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation. Some of the causes are deforestation, melting ice caps, greenhouse effect, the use of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and the thinning of the ozone layer. In result, the temperature of the earth increases. The term "global warming" refers to the warming in recent decades and its projected continuation, and implies a human influence.

The Earth's climate changes in response to external forcing, including variations in its orbit around the Sun (orbital forcing), changes in solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions, and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The detailed causes of the recent warming remain an active field of research, but the scientific consensus is that the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases due to human activity caused most of the warming observed since the start of the industrial era.
This attribution is clearest for the most recent 50 years, for which the most detailed data are available. Some other hypotheses departing from the consensus view have been suggested to explain most of the temperature increase. One such hypothesis proposes that warming may be the result of variations in solar activity.

Sources :

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Assignment 1


You are to select an ASPECT or AN EFFECT of global warming. In other words, you are to research the meaning of global warming and choose one area to focus on such as weather change, melting of the ice caps, de-forestation, rising prices and so on.

You will have to do research on the GLOBAL WARMING to understand and to select an area of choice.

Assignment 1 – SYMBOL OF AWARENESS (10%)

You are to design, using Illustrator, a symbol based on the area of global warming that you have chosen. This symbol is to be used to create an awareness of the area of your choice. For example, a symbol could be designed to represent the polar ice caps melting or a tree-like symbol to represent de-forestation.


1) Ideation must first be drawn. In other words, you are to draw your idea on paper first prior doing it in Illustrator. The process of ideation to final output must be documented on a blog or web log that all students must create.

2) The symbols should be made out of shapes only. It should be based on your area of choice about Global Warming. No text, no human or animals symbols. Just plain shapes.

3) The symbol should be in colour. The colour should have meaning to the symbol.

4) The shapes should be a metaphor of the area you have chosen. For example, if you like cars, it could be used to represent rising fuel prices.

5) Size of the symbol – A3

6) Printout the symbol and mount it on an A3 mounting board.

7) The other side of the mounting board must contain a write-up page. The write-up page must contain - the title of the symbol, the meaning of the symbol, its metaphor, the meaning of the shape of the symbol and the meaning of the colour of the symbol and the relation to the area of global warming of your choice.

8) Include your name, ID and group at the back of the mounting board.

Documentation to be done on the BLOG

(1) Include the RESEARCH you have done on the area of choice (add the web links).
(2) Include the idea of the symbol, its meaning and so on. This could be similar to the write-up.
(3) Include designs, sketches, references or images that you use to create your symbols, tools that you used and the final output.
(4) Tools used. You are to EXPLAIN the tools that you used and learnt from the tutorials and EXPLORED.


  1. Students must submit the Illustrator file and title it studID_symbol a. Date of Submission: Week 6 in tutorials to tutorial Group Leader.
  2. The student name, ID and Group must also appear inside the document. Marks will be deducted if you do not enter your name, group and ID properly. Marks will also be deducted if there are no name, ID and group.
  3. All class submission guidelines must be followed. Not following these requirements will mean a reduction in your marks in this exercise.
  4. Any copying or similar symbols may result in the students getting an automatic "0" mark.

Criteria for marking:

(1) The concept itself and the proof of concept which are the sketches, references and research.
(2) Design of the symbol and symbol write-up.
(3) Use of the tools - the proper and creative use of the tools
(4) Write-up and documentation must be in proper English.
Detail description of the process.
(6) Quality of the printing and display.